Friday, June 3, 2011

Zombie Plesiosaurs...

To the best of my knowledge, there's an appalling lack of zombie plesiosaurs in the rpg world.

That is all.


  1. This can be fixed.

    In fact, the megadungeon I am working on right now is already expected to include an underwater undead level. A zombie plesiosaur would fit right in.

    Since part of this project includes new monsters with illustrations (like this one: ), expect a zombie plesiosaur to show up eventually.

  2. It is easy to think of all sort of ways we could have ended up with zombie plesiosauri. For example, ancient insect or reptilian races that have seen better days might have decided to create pocket universes to preserve their dying world - only to have this bubble-in-time go bad. Or perhaps the dinosaurs were killed by a necrotic mass from the stars. Its necrotic degenerescence eventually reanimated the flesh of some creatures buried by the impact (or absorbed within it, and driven deep into the earth). One shudders to speculate what else might be in those waters. Necrotic algae? Zombie paleogators? Turtle King liches?

  3. If you eat a zombie, or swallow some of the necrotic 'gunk' that animates it, don't you sicken and die and become a zombie yourself? (at least that's what happened in some of the movies...). If so, are all of the maggots crawling all over the undead little zombie maggots or are they just 'maggots'?

  4. That's because everyone fights a zombie sea-beast and the think it's a zombie plesiosaur, but in reality it's just a rotten zombie megamouth shark.

  5. The only zombie plesiosaurs I know of were in Dream Park from Mike Pondsmith/R. Talsorian Games, and that was published almost 20 years back. Are there any other instances of Z.P.s in rpgs?

  6. I have to agree with huth on this one.

  7. @ Kullervo: Underwater Undead megadungeon level? Your dad?! You are one cool dude :)

    @ Tallgeese: I ripped it from a comic book I read (forget the title; interdimensional badass highway patrolman thing), but one of the hells/layer of the abyss in my rpg cosmology is a fetid swamp full of zombie dinosaurs. Check out zombie worms for a awesome adjacent to your speculations :)

    @ Limpley: Infectuous zombie maggots!

    @ Huth and Spawn: i was wondering when that would come up :) Upon thinkingabout it, obviously zombie megamouth sharks are created to pull necromancers' barges.

    @ Glenn Jupp: I am not surprised in the least that a Dream Park property featured zombie plesiosaurs!

  8. Zombie sharks to combat the robomegamouths that prowl the waves...

  9. #Limpey - You've just created a Monster! :)

  10. Is that special time lord code for saying you really want to see the zygons again? :)
