Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Mutant Future "Artwork"

While looking through one of my tattered RPG-notebooks I found this depiction of a moment from my old Gamma World/Where The Wild Things Are crossover game. That guy's companions are really after him to start wearing pants...


  1. My companions are the same way.

  2. Maybe he could find a pair of +2 pants of unrevealing or something like that. Otherwise let the rest of the PCs pay him to wear pants. That's a fun option--let the other PCs pay your character to wear pants...

  3. "Gamma World/Where The Wild Things Are crossover" Now there is a game I'd love to play in!

  4. He is not a nice cyborg! He doesn't wear pants, and he kills the nice monsters. Bad Mr. Cyborg! Then again, pants might be hard to find after the apocolypse, but it doesn't excuse killing nice monsters.

  5. Well, it looks like he just killed himself a new pair of pants! Great... freekin' great.
